eCommerce Website Development
A while back I had a lady named Andrea from New Mexico Pie Company call me about needing some graphic and web design work. At the time, I was booked with development projects and I couldn’t fit her work into my schedule. So I did what I usually do and passed the client onto a designer friend of mine named Lori over at Design564. During the last couple of years, Design564 and I have developed a designer / developer relationship. She designs, I develop. We love it.
Over the course of the next few months, Lori designed an identity along with business cards and a nice looking website showcasing Andrea’s beautiful (and delicious) pies. It was time to rock and roll with some eCommerce website development and Jigoshop was my solution. Soon after the website launched, Jigoshop showcased our work on their website. Then Karen, the head of the Albuquerque WordPress Meetup Group got a hold of us and thought it would be a good idea to have a presentation about the whole project.
The Presentation
Lori and I tag teamed the presentation on Thursday, March 14 and it was nerve wracking, but really fun! It was only my second speaking engagement, but I did pretty good overall and am looking forward at presenting more and more at both the ABQ WordPress Meetup Group and HTTQ.
The presentation was an introduction to Jigoshop, covering the free plugin’s settings, from the look of the front-end to the taxes, shipping, and payment gateways. It’s a really great product and recommend it over any of the other WordPress eCommerce plugins out there.
You had to be there to experience the setup and settings configurations because I did a live demo, but the presentation link below gives a brief overview of both New Mexico Pie Company and Jigoshop. The presentation was built using the awesome jQuery powered reveal.js by @hakimel.
Tagged with: ecommerce, plugin, presentation
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Hi Kevin, Lori,
Great read and presentation. Thank you sharing your experience and such praise for Jigoshop. I hope you don’t mind if I post this on our site too?
Do you have any more Jigoshop projects in the pipeline?
Kind regards
Sandra Morrison, Director Jigoshop Ltd
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for the kudos. We had a blast doing it. I definitely praise Jigoshop every time I can. And yes, you can use this post on your site. I appreciate it.
I am currently working on an eCommerce site with Jigoshop for a clothing company. I have another apparel company I’m working with who had a designer design the site, I developed it, and now they want me to redesign it. That is a large project coming up in the next couple of months. I also have a personal business project with a buddy of mine that will hopefully kick off within the year… Not releasing the details of that yet 🙂
Ooooh, sounds exciting, be sure to keep us posted for more Showcase entries!
Sandra Morrison, Jigoshop
Sure will!
Thanks Sandra 🙂