BabyPage is a company I co-founded with three very talented people in the Albuquerque Area. I am the Chief Design Officer.
With the input from our alpha and beta testers and thousands of hours of work, we are launching the full version of our platform late December 2017!
We are currently in very early beta.
Milestones & Baby Books
BabyPage Helps Busy Parents
Busy parents don’t have time for traditional scrapbooks. BabyPage makes it easy with prompts, pulling in your photos, and automatically generating content for your BabyPages. Your private dashboard helps you capture your child’s milestones in a fun and organized way.
Build a beautiful baby book and follow on with more books that document all the seasons of your little one’s childhood.

Creating A Connection
The BabyPage Brand
We are a playful, artistic, fun, engaging company who genuinely cares about our customers. We have kids, and fur-babies, and they don’t stay young forever.
It is important for us to capture the emotional state associated with children growing up fast. We are here to help parents document that journey.
We are all busy; life passes us by.
From the look of our digi-books to the smell of the paper in our printed books, we are starting the foundation of the BabyPage brand. We are in our infancy and evolving quickly. This is the very beginning for us.
BabyPage is not just a company. It is is an affectionate, creative, and upbeat community with fun parents who are involved in their children’s lives. We hope our customers have the best experience allowing BabyPage to be right there with them, helping capture the memories of a lifetime.

The BabyPage Logo
From Winnie The Pooh to Harry Potter and Nickelodeon, owls are everywhere in children’s media and literature. Big eyed and playful, the owl is a recognizable and identifiable animal.
hoo, hoo.
Owls are in trees. Trees make paper. Paper makes books.
The Process Is Intuitive
By guiding the user through the steps of creating a baby page, we have made the user experience feel natural.
It’s like putting layers onto the page similar to a traditional baby book. You start with the idea (milestone), answer the handful of prompts related to the idea (content), add images (related to the milestone), then comes the frame design (to fit the aesthetic and milestone). You can be done at this point.
If the user wants to add more customization, they can do so on the last step with custom colors, fonts, etc. You can truly make it your own.
Creating A Book Is Easy
Once the user has enough pages to actually create a book, we guide them through the process of making a book. It’s very similar to the page creation. You pick a cover design that already includes the baby’s name, date of birth, and sub-title. Further customization is possible before purchasing.
We have partnered with a handful of printers around the country to bring high quality large and small soft cover and hard cover books.

Step 1: Upload Some Photos
You can upload photos from your phone, computer, and social networks.
The ability to customize the photo with filters and have multiple images on a page are available for BabyPage Plus members.
Step 2: Choose A Frame
We have a huge library of awesome frame designs for the parent to choose from.
Along with our BabyPage Plus subscription, you get access to all premium backgrounds. Alternatively, they can be in-app purchases for free, Light members.
Step 3: What Is Your Baby Like?
One of our secret sauces is prompting parents with questions based on the child’s age.
These short and quick prompts allow us to populate the baby pages with our natural language algorithm. They are also helpful if parents are creating the baby book later in the child’s life.
Step 4: Customize Your Page
On this step, our natural language algorithm puts the answers to the prompts on the page into readable content.
You can edit the content, add your own custom text, change colors, fonts, and more!
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Help Spread The Word
This is a brand new company and we would love your help and support. Even if you don’t have kids, let others know about it! Share it. Hashtag it. Snapchat it. #babypagelife