I use the Genesis Framework for all of my client websites and rarely (really only once) use a premium child theme. I had a client website using the AgentPress child theme from StudioPress and ran into a few issues with the functionality, or lack thereof, of the AgentPress Listings plugin.
The biggest issue I ran into was finding a way to insert a message to display on a site search with no results or that resulted with No Listings Found. I searched high and low and didn’t find anything. I ran into a blog post from Ryan Stokes called “Fixing AgentPress” which had some really good tips. However, his technique on displaying a message on the empty listing page didn’t work for the AgentPress Theme.
This is when I decided to use the power of jQuery to help achieve the message. Copy and paste this code into your own jQuery file and edit the text as you wish.
You shouldn’t have to change anything except for the message you want displayed.
Tagged with: agentpress, genesis, jquery
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Hi, Kevin! Did you try to upgrade your AgentPress site to WP 3.7/3.8 yet? I’ve been having trouble with the property search displaying results from archive-listing.php instead of taxonomy.php. Just wondered if you had the same issue, and whether you were able to fix it.
Hi Sarah,
I have not had any trouble with this. Maybe a simple re-install of the plugin might help…